The White Mesa Ute Community of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe is located between Blanding and Bluff in San Juan County in southern Utah. It is near Cedar Mesa, the Bears Ears National Monument, Valley of the Gods, the San Juan River, national parks, and many other beautiful and sacred areas.

White Mesa, however, is adjacent to the Energy Fuels’ uranium mill, the last such facility in the United States, where uranium tailings and other radioactive materials are sent for “processing” and dumping. Not only was the mill built right next to our community, but it was built right on top of hundreds of our culturally significant sites.
White Mesa Concerned Community is a grassroots group of concerned tribal members of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe. We work to inform our fellow tribal members and the public about our struggle to protect our community, health, water, air, land, culture, and sacred sites from toxic and radioactive contamination from the uranium mill. We demand that the uranium mill be closed and cleaned up.